Friday, March 25, 2016

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" *NON-SPOILER* Review

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice brings together two of the most iconic superheroes of all time to fight and brawl it out. Not really though. Batman v Superman is like that appetizer on the menu that looks absolutely delicious on paper, but once you get it, you immediately want to return it and get your money back. The movie advertises as the clash between two titans, and it continues to tease that concept for the first hour and 40 minutes of it. Finally, when the two heroes come to a head, it is one of the biggest disappointments ever. To name this movie Batman v Superman is a crime because the film is everything except that. The film starts out running and has your attention as we watch Bruce Wayne is Metropolis during the events of Man of Steel. After that, the movie is a god 2 hours and 15 minute snooze fest. Besides Ben Affleck’s Batman, not one character in the movie has any motive for anything they do. Director Zach Snyder never gives a reason as to why Lex Luther (Jesse Eisenberg) wants Superman dead. No one knows why Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) is even present in the film except for pushing forward with the DC Cinematic Universe. The story of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice tries to tell way too many stories; Man of Steel 2, Batman Solo movie, Batman v Superman, and setting of the Justice League. If Zach Snyder would have focused on just one of these stories, the movie could have been a whole lot better. Unfortunately again, when it comes to Zach Snyder, it is style over substance with this movie. The fight and section sequences are really cool looking, but the story and characters are so weak; no one really cares about what is going on. Lois Lane (Amy Adams) returns but is given nothing to do except just being Superman’s shoulder to lean on. The set-up of the other Justice League was cool but was completely thrown in there with no actual connection to the story the movie was telling. Now Batman v Superman was not all negative. Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman was absolutely a delight. He plays an older and brutal type of Batman and gets you excited for upcoming Batman movies. Jeremy Irons as Alfred was also very good. He was much underused, but when he was on screen, he stole the scene. The end battle scene with the trinity of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman was very exciting, but by that point in the film, you are already worn down by the previous 2 hours of boredom.

Conclusion: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a colossus let down. Batman is awesome, Wonder Woman looks cool in action but is not in it much, and they cast the perfect Alfred in Jeremy Irons. Other than that, there is not much to like in this film. Jesse Eisenberg is annoying as Lex Luther and has no motives what so ever. Doomsday just shows up at the end with really no warning from the film that he is even being made. The story is so bad in this movie; I would gladly take my money back and forget I ever watched this. Batman v Superman is a 2 hour and 35 minute film and over 2 hours of it is all talking. The movie is boring. The DC Cinematic Universe is off to a bad start; let’s hope the next few movies can make up for this disappointment. This is not a must see movie; in fact I’d say save your money on this one. Wait to see it when it is on TV.


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