Saturday, September 26, 2015

About Myself

Hey Guys!

Welcome to Brute's Movie blog. My actual name is not really Brute. It was a nickname I was given back in my first year of High School and has just stuck ever since. Do not get confused though, I am by no means a brute, I am not savagely violent human being at all.

Now on to the main reason of this blog. I love movies and television, as you could have guessed. I have been a big movie fan since 2008. By that I mean, 2008 is when my passion for seeing movies flourished. I would go to the movies before 2008, but it would be only a couple times a year. The movie that got me started was Iron Man. So as you can guess, I am a huge superhero geek. I loved Iron Man when I first saw it and still love it to this very day. While superhero movies are my favorites, I do love other genres of films as well. Some of my favorite movies that I have seen over the years are no superhero flicks. Movies such as Snowpiercer, Gone Girl, Birdman, Whiplash, Wolf of Wall Street, and This is the End are all on my list of very good to great films. A film can be great no matter what genre it is in. The greatest thing about film, in my opinion, is it allows us to escape from our everyday lives and delve into someone else's story. That is what makes it so special, we can go into a theater having the worst day of your life, and then you leave that theater upbeat and joyful because movies can be great enough to have that kind of power and effect on us. The work by the director, screenwriter, actors, and everyone else involved is just so remarkable. They create these worlds and stories that we can become enamored by, that we will sit down and watch and sometimes even wish we were in them. So my goal is to have a review of a movie out for you every week. Depending on which movies comes out when, there may be more than one per week. My reviews are usually of the non-spoiler kind, but please let me know if you'd like an in-depth review of a movie.

Finally, let me tell you about myself outside of my movie going life. I am a 22 year old man from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I went to Marple Newtown High School and graduated in 2012. I am currently getting a Liberal Arts degree at Delaware County Community College. My goal is to become a professional movie critic and I am taking classes that I think will help me get there. I love my Philadelphia sport teams and am proud from where I came from. I played football for 9 years and baseball for 12 years. Writing is my passion and I will try and write the best blogs and reviews for you guys as much as possible. Lastly we will end on a fun fact. The fun fact is that I have a beard that is both brown and red. No I do not dye it. It is just naturally that way and I kind of like it.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! Please feel free to comment on any of my blogs and share with your friends!

Follow me on Twitter! @Venoot_TheBrute

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