Saturday, November 7, 2015

"Spectre" *Non-Spoiler* Review

Hey everybody! Sorry for the long layoff. Some things had come up that kept me from writing more often but I'm glad to say I am back and ready to get the wheels started again with Spectre! Hope you enjoy my review. Remember to feel free to comment below if you want.

While Spectre may not live up to its predecessor’s quality; it is still a good movie. Spectre had many action pieces, good drama, and surprisingly a lot of well-done comedic jokes. The film seems to tie all of Daniel Craig’s previous 3 Bond movies together with a nicely wrapped bow. Spectre definitely had the feel of the ending of the Daniel Craig Bonds era. While it was not the perfect ending, it was good enough to end it positive note. As usual, Daniel Craig (James Bond) gives us another remarkable performance of portraying the iconic, smoothe talking Bond. He is not alone as Lea Seydoux (Madeline Swan) is not only beautiful but delivers a noble performance as well. Even though I was not the biggest fan of Sam Smith’s Spectre theme, the classic Bond music always gives me goosebumps.
Not all was well for Spectre. The biggest stain was its villains. Christoph Waltz (Oberhauser) and Dave Bautista (Hinx) portray their characters to a tee. Unfortunately, the movie does not utilize them well at all. Waltz’s character is not on screen for the majority of the movie and Bautista says one word the entire film. The strongest villain is the one that isn’t quite obvious at first but you can positively see coming by the midway part of the film. For spoiler reasons I will not reveal who that is. Another thing Spectre stumbles at is run time. There were points that director Sam Mendes seemed to want to drag out, that simply do not have to be.

Conclusion: Even though Spectre has its flaws, it is still a good movie. It seemingly wraps of the Daniel Craig era as Bond very nicely. While the villains are not that strong, they serve their purpose enough to get us to feel the drama of the suspense if Bond will pull it out. You will have to watch the first 3 Craig movies to get this one because they tie any loose ends from them in Spectre. It wasn’t the best one, or even the 2nd best, but it was certainly not Quantum of Solace. Spectre is a fun movie going experience and an overall good movie.

Score:   7/10  -   GOOD

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