Saturday, November 21, 2015

"Spotlight" *Non-Spoiler* Review

Spotlight lives up to the hype it is getting from the media. It tells the story of how the spotlight team unveiled the massive scandal of child molestation and cover – up within the local Catholic Archdiocese. While some will not like this movie because of their political beliefs, I found the story Spotlight told, was one of the most, if not the best, riveting stories of the year. It is a slow paced movie, but the story is engaging enough where it does not feel as if the movie drags on. The core cast (Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Rachel McAdams, Brian James, Live Schreiber, John Slattery, and Stanley Tucci) all give in tremendous performances. Yes it is an ensemble cast, but the movie does an excellent job of giving each enough screen time to help us get to know each one of them. Even though they are pitted against the church, Spotlight shows the effects and tolls the assignment is taking on each character. They all had histories with the church, and the film does a brilliant job in perfectly showing the struggle each has to deal with as they continue to uncover the truth. The actual event in which Spotlight is about is a very big deal and the film does make us feel that. During the film, the magnitude of what these characters are working on is very prevalent. The story keeps us on the edge of our seats and rooting for the team and feeling for the victims that are portrayed in the film.

Conclusion: Spotlight is a film that we will definitely being here about around award season. The story telling is top notch and the cast give great performances. Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, and Rachel McAdams were the three that stood out the most in the film. While Spotlight has a big cast, it does not lose them throughout the movie, it gives you a sense of each character and how they are handling what the team in uncovering. The drama and intensity are very heavily felt and is one that will make you think a 2 hour movie feel like a 90 minute one. Spotlight definitely challenges The Martian as the best movie of the year so far. I would absolutely recommend seeing the film. 

SCORE:            9.2/10   -  GREAT

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