Thursday, February 11, 2016

"Deadpool" *Non-Spoiler* Review

The Mirk with the mouth makes his big screen debut and he will leave you smiling ear to ear from the beginning to the very end credits. Calling Deadpool a homerun would be selling this movie short; it is that good of a film. This movie is action packed, heartfelt, and most of all, just pretty damn funny. Ryan Reynolds (Wade Wilson) absolutely kills it as Deadpool. He was born to play this role as he brings the charisma and energy needed to pull off this type of character. You can see how much passion he had for this character through his performance. Not to be outdone, T.J. Miller (Weasal) is comedic goal in his supporting role. When he and Reynolds are on screen together there is rarely a moment where you will not find yourself laughing. The main story of Deadpool is Wade Wilson going through surgery as a last ditched effort to beat his terminal cancer diagnosis and save his life with his girlfriend Vanessa (Morena Baccarin). The relationship between Wilson and Vanessa works perfectly. Unlike in some other superhero films, the romance between the main protagonist and the kidnapped woman actually works to the advantage of this film. Baccarin delivers a great performance and gets you to care about not only her, but the relationship she is in. Finally, villain Ajax (Ed Skrein) is a formidable foe for the hero. While he probably won’t go down as memorable and his motives are not made quite clear; he is the perfect villain for the first installation of the Deadpool franchise. Yes, this movie is that good, it definitely will get a 2nd and 3rd.

Conclusion: Deadpool has set the bar high for the many superhero films that are following later in 2016. The movie holds nothing back and is one hell of an entertaining time. Ryan Reynolds makes his case for the most perfectly casted superhero, and T.J. Miller is comedic gold whenever he is on screen. Director Tim Miller successfully gets you to care for Wilson’s girlfriend and the villain serves his purpose. One of the best aspects of this movie is the fact it does not take itself seriously. It knows exactly what it is and what its purpose is. I cannot say enough just how much fun it was to watch this film. My anticipation was high for this movie, and it surely did not disappoint. I highly recommend seeing Deadpool. You will have a blast with this one.

MY SCORE:         9/10 – AWESOME 

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