Saturday, January 2, 2016

My Top Movies of 2015

With 2015 having come and gone, it is now time to look back at my top 5 movies of the year. I had the fortune of seeing some very good films, and the misfortune of watching some not so good films. Now this list is a personal top 5, meaning I may have a film with a higher score ranked higher than some on my list. Remember, feel free to comment below and give your personal top 5 movies of 2015. That is one of the best things about movies, everyone has different opinions on each movie. Without further ado, here is my top movies of 2015!

5) Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation
    Director: Christopher McQuarrie

This one really surprised. Tom Cruise is back in the newest installment of the M.I. franchise. Rogue Nation gets off on a running start with one of the best openings to an action movie. Returnees Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames, and Jeremy Renner all give amazing performances and their chemistry with one another is still at its peek. Newcomers,Rebecca Ferguson and Alec Baldwin both hold their own and add new dynamics to the M.I. franchise. Rogue Nation had the difficult task of following up Ghost Protocol, but it outdoes its predecessor in every aspect of film making. The film had a great blend of action, humor, and emotion. Rogue Nation has some of the best action sequences of the year (Cruise hanging onto to a flying plane), and was truly the gold standard of summer movies for the year 2015. Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation is OnDemand now, and I highly recommend watching it.


4) The Martian
    Director: Ridley Scott

The Martian was in my 2nd most anticipated fall movie only behind Star Wars. Man oh man did it not disappoint me at all. This movie was far funnier than I originally thought it was going to be. Matt Damon absolutely kills it as stranded astronaut Mark Watney. Beginning to end, The Martian is just a blast to watch. The supporting cast of Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Kate Mara, Jeff Daniels, Michael Pena, Sean Bean, Sebastian Stan, and Chiwetel Ejiofor all give outstanding performances and elevate the film to an even higher level. The Martian is also a visual spectacle to behold. The film made me feel as if I was on Mars, stranded alongside Watney as well. Another aspect that stuck out in the movie was its soundtrack. It brought some levity and this sense of humanism in a film that mostly set in space and on a distant planet. The Martian is another movie that is available now, and is a must watch.

MY SCORE:   9/10 - GREAT

3) Spotlight
    Director: Tom McCarthy

The story of Spotlight was immensely gripping and had my attention throughout. Spotlight tells the story of a team of reporters from the Boston Globe, uncovering the massive molestation scandal and cover-up involving the local archdiocese. I will easily admit that Spotlight had the best story and performances of the year, Micheal Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Rachel McAdam, Brian James, Liev Schreiber, and John Slattery all give award worthy performances. The cast ensemble carries the film and left me in awe. The events the movie covers are so disturbing and made my stomach turn. Tom McCarthy does an excellent job portraying what the reporters had to fight through just to get the story told. Spotlight is a film that I had to sit back and decompress afterwards because of the heaviness of the story but how beautifully it is told and shot. Spotlight came out of nowhere for me, but it certainly was quite the experience.

MY SCORE:   9.2/10 - GREAT

2) Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    Director: J.J. Abrams

The movie I was the most anticipated for did not let me down at all. The 3 trailers we got leading up to December 18th were perfect. They did not reveal anything about thStar Wars more than once and I can confidently day that it really does get better after each viewing. The feelings I get when I see the old characters show up never go away, along with the goosebumps that arrive on my arms when I hear the classic Star Wars melody played during the film. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is just an absolute awesome movie going experience and just a great film all together. The new cast of Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac give us hope that, even though they most likely won't live up to the job Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher did, they will definitely do a great job in their own perspective. The Force Awakens does a tremendous job setting up the next 2 movies that it leaves me anxious already for Episode 8 in May 2017.
e story but at the same time made me even more hyped for the movie. I have seen

MY SCORE:    9/10 - GREAT

MY #1 MOVIE OF 2015 IS.......

1) Creed
    Director: Ryan Coogler

Yes, you read that right. Creed is my favorite movie of 2015 because it delivered a phenomenal story with a fierce emotional punch. Like Star Wars, Creed is a reboot/sequel to a very successful franchise. Also like Star Wars, Creed hits a lot of the same beats that of the original movie of that said franchise. I will be the first to admit that on 1st watches alone, Creed hit me harder emotionally than Star Wars. I am not even a big boxing fan, but director Ryan Coogler shot the fight scenes perfectly that they grabbed my attention immediately and had me feeling as if I was in the stands watching as well. The best part of Creed is that it does not feel like a boxing movie at all. Michael B. Jordan makes us all forget about the horrendous Fantastic 4 with his outstanding performance, but only to be overshadowed by Sylvester Stallone. Stallone gives an Oscar worthy performance (it is still weird saying that) as Rocky battling an opponent tougher than any he had faced in the ring. Being from Philly, it was easy to get the emotional impact of the film. Creed was shot brilliantly and the story had very few holes. I thought Creed did a great job by not feeling like a Rocky movie. Yes, Rocky was in it and the best part, but it didn't feel like his story at all. Kudos, Mr. Coogler.

MY SCORE:   9.25/10 - GREAT

There you guys have it; my top 5 movies of 2015! What did you think? What were some of your favorite movies of the year? Let me know below! Reminder, be on the look out for my Most Anticipated 2016 Movies. There will be 2 lists, a superhero movie list and all other movies list. Have a great night!

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