Saturday, January 16, 2016

"Ride Along 2" *Non-Spoiler* Review

Ride Along 2 will give you a few laughs but in the end will leave you with the question, “What the hell did I just watch”? The two leads, Ice Cube and Kevin Hart, show that they still have tremendous chemistry together. They play off each other very well and they will sell you on their brother relationship. Unfortunately, Ice Cube is not really strong in the comedy aspect of the movie, so it makes Kevin Hart carry the load for humor in the film. That can be a good thing but also a bad thing. While Hart will make you laugh at times, his act sometimes gets old and stale and will test your patience with the film. Director Tim Story (Fantastic Four) does an awful job in his use of actress Olivia Munn(Magic Mike), as she is just there for sexual appearance. Without getting into spoiler territory, that is her sole purpose to the story, sexual appeal. Ken Jeong (The Hangover) is also a bit wasted as well. His character is not really fleshed out, you do not learn much about him or his motives, and most of his jokes fall flat and lifeless. The plot also is your most generic plot for a buddy cop film. Benjamin Bratt plays the most cliché type of villain role in the film, and while he is the best part of the movie (which is not saying much), there is really nothing special about his character. Finally, the editing in Ride Along 2 may have been one of the worst editing jobs you will see in a film for quite some time. There were times where the characters mouth was moving, seen from a side shot, and the words you hear do not match what his mouth is saying. That is just laziness, pure and simple as that.

Conclusion: Ride Along 2 will make you laugh a few times but all in all, you will want to get off this ride as soon as possible. It is always hard to make a good sequel to a comedy, and it is even harder when the 1st film is awful. Ice Cube and Kevin Hart have good chemistry, while Benjamin Bratt gives an admirable performance. Other than that, all is bad for Ride Along 2. The story makes no sense what-so-ever, and the plot is as generic as one could get. Olivia Munn is regulated to just eye candy, and for the first time in a while, Ken Jeong is not really likeable in a movie. The editing is god awful, but is all this really surprising for a sequel to a pretty bad comedy film? Save your money, Ride Along 2 is not worth it.

SCORE:    3.7/10 - AWFUL

*Coming Soon: My thoughts on the Oscar Nominees for the big categories! Who shouldn't have been nominated and who got snubbed?*

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